Adox XT-3 Film Developer – 1L


The developer Tim uses the most! We highly recommend XT-3. It works great one-shot as well as in replenishment. This is the 1L version.

Available on backorder

SKU: ADOX-XT3-1 Category: Tags: , Brand:


The developer Tim uses the most! We highly recommend XT-3. It works great one-shot as well as in replenishment. This is the 1L version.

The Adox XT-3 Film Developer is a well balanced film developer based on ascorbic-acid yielding full box speed negatives with high sharpness and very fine grain. Hydroquinone-free and without boric acid content yet with improved storage capacities compared to earlier ascorbic-acid developer recipes.

The developing times and resulting curves are identical with XTOL produced prior to 2019 and sold in aluminum compound bags.


  • Free of borates
  • Biodegradable chemistry
  • No health risk through chemical dust while mixing
  • Increased solubility
  • Better keeping properties