At long last, the 7.5×9.5 tintype stand is now available! Derek Keaton was extremely helpful to allow me to use some of his plates for the measurement and design.

I know several folks have been waiting for those. Some of you might be wondering why 7.5 and not 8? That was simply because that is what Derek uses, as do many folks. I do plan on an 8×10 version as well, though would much prefer to have a tintype on hand to borrow for validating the measurements. This stand will work for 8×10, the tintype will just stick out over the edges of the frame by a little bit. Likewise it can work for landscape with the same caveat.
I changed the design as compared to the 4×5 and 5×7 stands. I quite like those designs and I think they work well, but for the larger sizes, I needed something that could support the much larger plate while not consuming a huge amount of plastic and opted to go with the design that you see.
I hope folks enjoy these! They are available on the shop for purchase as a set of two.
Happy Wet Plating!